πŸ•ΉοΈNFT Passports

Each game added will have a reserved amount of NFT Passports based on each game’s performance metrics and top-line KPIs, reserved for each successive game integration. This is to ensure that players will have the opportunity to purchase an NFT Passport instead of the earliest game’s players potentially owning all of the total supply of NFT Passports.

30 Day - The first NFT tier comes in waves and is valid for 30* days. Unlocks the LP store for the player and enables them to buy a wider range of in-game items and a host of game-impacting utility that enhances their experience.

Unlimited - As in the name, the unlimited and most rare pass confers the best benefits and access for the player. It will require an unlimited level of commitment and play for the player to convert enough Loyalty Points into $PWR to purchase this pass; alternatively, it will require a high level of spend to get this coveted pass. This pass grants the best benefits and has the the highest LP earned per day.

*Previews of rare variants, with special rare trait looks

Blockchain Utility Overview V1

*Pricing pending

Last updated